Django Test Runner

The preferred way to write tests in Django is using the unittest module built-in to the Python standard library. This is covered in detail in the Writing and running tests document. You can also use any other Python test framework; Django provides an API and tools for that kind of integration. They are described in the Using different testing frameworks section of Advanced. It will teach you how to build a SPA (single-page application) using React and Wagtail CMS. You will be able to: Understand Docker and use Docker Compose to do development. Build a REST API for Wagtail CMS. Use the Django shell to test code and check data. Test the REST API and generate test coverage report. TESTRUNNER = 'config.testrunner.ExcludeAppsTestSuiteRunner' I have also tried using django-nose with django-nose-exclude I have read a lot about how to speed up the test themselves, but have not found any leads on how to optimize or avoid the database initialization.

Testing - a complete example

This assumes that you have read the documentation about starting a new Django project. Let us assume that the main app in your project is named td (short for test driven). To create your first test, create a file named and copy paste the following content into it.

You can run this test by

Download driver stick ps2 di pc. and it will most naturally fail! You will see an error similar to the following.

Why does that happen? Because we haven't defined a view for that! So let's do it. Create a file called and place in it the following code

Air elicenser emulator setup nexus 2. Next map it to the /hello/ by editing urls py as follows:

Now run the test again ./ test again and viola!!

Testing Django Models Effectively

Assuming a class

Testing examples

Some points

  • created_properly tests are used to verify the state properties of django models. They help catch sitautions where we've changed default values, file_upload_paths etc.
  • absolute_url might seem trivial but I've found that it's helped me prevent some bugs when changing url paths
  • I similarly write test cases for all the methods implemented inside a model (using mock objects etc)
  • By defining a common BaseModelTestCase we can setup the necessary relationships between models to ensure proper testing.

Finally, when in doubt, write a test. Trivial behavior changes are caught by paying attention to detail and long forgotten pieces of code don't end up causing unnecessary trouble.

Testing Access Control in Django Views

tl;dr : Create a base class that defines two user objects (say user and another_user). Create your other models and define three Client instances.

  • self.client : Representing user logged in browser
  • self.another_client : Representing another_user 's client
  • self.unlogged_client : Representing unlogged person

Now access all your public and private urls from these three client objects and dictact the response you expect. Below I've showcased the strategy for a Book object that can either be private (owned by a few privileged users) or public (visible to everyone).

The Database and Testing

Django uses special database settings when testing so that tests can use the database normally but by default run on an empty database. Database changes in one test will not be seen by another. For example, both of the following tests will pass:


If you want to have database objects used by multiple tests, either create them in the setUp method of the test case. Additionally, if you have defined fixtures in your django project, they can be included like so:

By default, django is looking for fixtures in the fixtures directory in each app. Further directories can be set using the FIXTURE_DIRS setting:

Let's assume you have created a model as follows:

Then your .json fixtures could look like that:

Reuse the test-database

To speed up your test-runs you can tell the management-command to reuse the test-database (and to prevent it from being created before and deleted after every test-run). This can be done using the keepdb (or shorthand -k) flag like so:

Limit the number of tests executed

It is possible to limit the tests executed by test by specifying which modules should be discovered by the test runner:

If you want to run a bunch of tests you can pass a pattern of filenames. For example, you may want to run only tests that involving of your models:

Finally, it is possible to stop the test suite at the first fail, using --failfast. This argument allows to get quickly the potential error encountered in the suite:

See also

The testing tutorial, the testing toolsreference, and the advanced testing topics.

This document is split into two primary sections. First, we explain how to writetests with Django. Then, we explain how to run them.

Writing tests¶

Django’s unit tests use a Python standard library module: unittest. Thismodule defines tests using a class-based approach.

Here is an example which subclasses from django.test.TestCase,which is a subclass of unittest.TestCase that runs each test inside atransaction to provide isolation:

When you run your tests, the default behavior of thetest utility is to find all the test cases (that is, subclasses ofunittest.TestCase) in any file whose name begins with test,automatically build a test suite out of those test cases, and run that suite.

For more details about unittest, see the Python documentation.

Where should the tests live?

The default startapp template creates a file in thenew application. This might be fine if you only have a few tests, but asyour test suite grows you’ll likely want to restructure it into a testspackage so you can split your tests into different submodules such,,, etc. Feel free topick whatever organizational scheme you like.

See also Using the Django test runner to test reusable applications.



If your tests rely on database access such as creating or querying models,be sure to create your test classes as subclasses ofdjango.test.TestCase rather than unittest.TestCase.

Using unittest.TestCase avoids the cost of running each test in atransaction and flushing the database, but if your tests interact withthe database their behavior will vary based on the order that the testrunner executes them. This can lead to unit tests that pass when run inisolation but fail when run in a suite.

Running tests¶

Once you’ve written tests, run them using the test command ofyour project’s utility:

Test discovery is based on the unittest module’s built-in testdiscovery. By default, this will discover tests inany file named “test*.py” under the current working directory.

You can specify particular tests to run by supplying any number of “testlabels” to ./manage.pytest. Each test label can be a full Python dottedpath to a package, module, TestCase subclass, or test method. For instance:

You can also provide a path to a directory to discover tests below thatdirectory:

You can specify a custom filename pattern match using the -p (or--pattern) option, if your test files are named differently from thetest*.py pattern:

If you press Ctrl-C while the tests are running, the test runner willwait for the currently running test to complete and then exit gracefully.During a graceful exit the test runner will output details of any testfailures, report on how many tests were run and how many errors and failureswere encountered, and destroy any test databases as usual. Thus pressingCtrl-C can be very useful if you forget to pass the --failfast option, notice that some tests are unexpectedly failing andwant to get details on the failures without waiting for the full test run tocomplete.

If you do not want to wait for the currently running test to finish, youcan press Ctrl-C a second time and the test run will halt immediately,but not gracefully. No details of the tests run before the interruption willbe reported, and any test databases created by the run will not be destroyed.

Test with warnings enabled

It’s a good idea to run your tests with Python warnings enabled:python-Wamanage.pytest. The -Wa flag tells Python todisplay deprecation warnings. Django, like many other Python libraries,uses these warnings to flag when features are going away. It also mightflag areas in your code that aren’t strictly wrong but could benefitfrom a better implementation.

The test database¶

Tests that require a database (namely, model tests) will not use your “real”(production) database. Separate, blank databases are created for the tests.

Regardless of whether the tests pass or fail, the test databases are destroyedwhen all the tests have been executed.

You can prevent the test databases from being destroyed by using thetest--keepdb option. This will preserve the test database betweenruns. If the database does not exist, it will first be created. Any migrationswill also be applied in order to keep it up to date.

As described in the previous section, if a test run is forcefully interrupted,the test database may not be destroyed. On the next run, you’ll be askedwhether you want to reuse or destroy the database. Use the test--noinput option to suppress that prompt and automatically destroy thedatabase. This can be useful when running tests on a continuous integrationserver where tests may be interrupted by a timeout, for example.

The default test database names are created by prepending test_ to thevalue of each NAME in DATABASES. When using SQLite, thetests will use an in-memory database by default (i.e., the database will becreated in memory, bypassing the filesystem entirely!). The TEST dictionary in DATABASES offers a number of settingsto configure your test database. For example, if you want to use a differentdatabase name, specify NAME in the TEST dictionary for any given database in DATABASES.

Django Test Case

On PostgreSQL, USER will also need read access to the built-inpostgres database.

Aside from using a separate database, the test runner will otherwiseuse all of the same database settings you have in your settings file:ENGINE, USER, HOST, etc. Thetest database is created by the user specified by USER, so you’llneed to make sure that the given user account has sufficient privileges tocreate a new database on the system.

For fine-grained control over the character encoding of your testdatabase, use the CHARSET TEST option. If you’re usingMySQL, you can also use the COLLATION option tocontrol the particular collation used by the test database. See thesettings documentation for details of theseand other advanced settings.

If using an SQLite in-memory database with SQLite, shared cache is enabled, so you can write testswith ability to share the database between threads.

Finding data from your production database when running tests?

If your code attempts to access the database when its modules are compiled,this will occur before the test database is set up, with potentiallyunexpected results. For example, if you have a database query inmodule-level code and a real database exists, production data could polluteyour tests. It is a bad idea to have such import-time database queries inyour code anyway - rewrite your code so that it doesn’t do this.

This also applies to customized implementations ofready().

Order in which tests are executed¶

In order to guarantee that all TestCase code starts with a clean database,the Django test runner reorders tests in the following way:

  • All TestCase subclasses are run first.
  • Then, all other Django-based tests (test cases based onSimpleTestCase, includingTransactionTestCase) are run with no particularordering guaranteed nor enforced among them.
  • Then any other unittest.TestCase tests (including doctests) that mayalter the database without restoring it to its original state are run.


The new ordering of tests may reveal unexpected dependencies on test caseordering. This is the case with doctests that relied on state left in thedatabase by a given TransactionTestCase test, theymust be updated to be able to run independently.

You may reverse the execution order inside groups using the test--reverse option. This can help with ensuring your tests are independent fromeach other.

Rollback emulation¶

Any initial data loaded in migrations will only be available in TestCasetests and not in TransactionTestCase tests, and additionally only onbackends where transactions are supported (the most important exception beingMyISAM). This is also true for tests which rely on TransactionTestCasesuch as LiveServerTestCase andStaticLiveServerTestCase.

Django can reload that data for you on a per-testcase basis bysetting the serialized_rollback option to True in the body of theTestCase or TransactionTestCase, but note that this will slow downthat test suite by approximately 3x.

Third-party apps or those developing against MyISAM will need to set this;in general, however, you should be developing your own projects against atransactional database and be using TestCase for most tests, and thusnot need this setting.

The initial serialization is usually very quick, but if you wish to excludesome apps from this process (and speed up test runs slightly), you may addthose apps to TEST_NON_SERIALIZED_APPS.

To prevent serialized data from being loaded twice, settingserialized_rollback=True disables thepost_migrate Taare zameen par download free. signal when flushing the testdatabase.

Other test conditions¶

Regardless of the value of the DEBUG setting in your configurationfile, all Django tests run with DEBUG=False. This is to ensure thatthe observed output of your code matches what will be seen in a productionsetting.

Caches are not cleared after each test, and running “ test fooapp” caninsert data from the tests into the cache of a live system if you run yourtests in production because, unlike databases, a separate “test cache” is notused. This behavior may change in the future.

Understanding the test output¶

When you run your tests, you’ll see a number of messages as the test runnerprepares itself. You can control the level of detail of these messages with theverbosity option on the command line:

Django Test Runner Settings

This tells you that the test runner is creating a test database, as describedin the previous section.

Once the test database has been created, Django will run your tests.If everything goes well, you’ll see something like this:

If there are test failures, however, you’ll see full details about which testsfailed:

Django Test Client

A full explanation of this error output is beyond the scope of this document,but it’s pretty intuitive. You can consult the documentation of Python’sunittest library for details.

Note that the return code for the test-runner script is 1 for any number offailed and erroneous tests. If all the tests pass, the return code is 0. Thisfeature is useful if you’re using the test-runner script in a shell script andneed to test for success or failure at that level.

Speeding up the tests¶

Running tests in parallel¶

Django Run Tests

As long as your tests are properly isolated, you can run them in parallel togain a speed up on multi-core hardware. See test--parallel.

Password hashing¶

The default password hasher is rather slow by design. If you’re authenticatingmany users in your tests, you may want to use a custom settings file and setthe PASSWORD_HASHERS setting to a faster hashing algorithm:

Don’t forget to also include in PASSWORD_HASHERS any hashingalgorithm used in fixtures, if any.

Preserving the test database¶

The test--keepdb option preserves the test database between testruns. It skips the create and destroy actions which can greatly decrease thetime to run tests.